English (Reading, Rhymes, Conversation, Writing and dictation), (Hindi, Mathematics), (General Science), (Social Studies), (Computer), Environmental Studies, Moral Science and Value Education, Craft, Drawing and Painting and drill.

English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) Geography, History and Civics, Computer Applications, General Knowledge, Environmental Education, Moral Science and Physical Education Comnuse .
The annual promotions are decided through a system of continuous assessment through out the year. A pass mark in Physical Education and art and craft will be an essential requirement for promotions.
The School emphasizes the co-curricular activities of the students. They are given opportunities to get involved into Social work, Public Speaking, Music and dance, craft etc.
All Co-Curricular activities and Physical Activities are Compulsory for all students.
- PMC– Physics, mathematics, Chemistry, English
- PBC – Physics, Biology, Chemistry, English
- Commerce – Accountancy, Economics, Business Studies, English
- Optional – S./ Hindi/ P.Ed.